
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Gem Stones - The Precious Stones

A gemstone is a mineral, rock (such in the case of lapis lazuli), or petrified material that when cut or faceted and polished is collectible or can be used in jewelry. Others are organic (such as amber, which is fossilised tree resin, and jet, a form of coal). Some gemstones which may be generally considered precious or beautiful are too soft or too fragile to be used in jewelry (for example, single-crystal rhodochrosite) but are exhibited in museums and are sought by collectors.

Traditionally, common gemstones were classified into precious stones (cardinal gems) and semi-precious stones. The former category was largely determined by a history of ecclesiastical, devotional or ceremonial use and rarity. Only five types of gemstones were considered precious: diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, and amethyst. In current usage by gemologists, all gems are considered precious, although four of the five original "cardinal gems" (excluding the now-common amethyst) are usually—but not always—the most valuable.

Rare or unusual gemstones, generally meant to include those gemstones which occur so infrequently in gem quality that they are scarcely known except to connoisseurs, include andalusite, axinite, cassiterite, clinohumite and iolite.

The Power to Heal

References to the power of crystals and gems and their use in spiritual and healing rituals can be found in the ancient Mayan and Hebrew civilizations. Today the practice of using stones and crystals continues with ordinary people across the world who claim extraordinary results.

By stimulating a person's thought, it is believed that crystals stimulate healing - both physical and non-physical. Stones in the red family -- red, yellow and orange -- are prized for their ability to produce energy. On the other end of the spectrum, blue, violet, and lavender stones have a calming effect. In between are the clear and aquamarine stones that having healing properties.

Many people use and combine crystals to improve a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual conditions based on the healing properties attributed to each stone:

· Amethyst - This "spiritually uplifting" stone can reduce anger, and impatience.

· Aquamarine - This beautiful stone protects your heart and your immune system and aids communications on all levels…especially on the physical and spiritual planes

· Carnelian - The perfect stone for targeting your body's system, carnelian is a "stimulant" for your circulatory system, kidneys, appetite, emotions, and sexuality. It bestows confidence, assertiveness, and an unstoppable drive to succeed.

· Citrine - Citrine can help with acid indigestion, food disorders, and allergies with cleansing powers aimed at your spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary system, and intestines. Mentally, citrine is valuable for emotional clarity, willpower, optimism, and self-discipline.

· Coral - Use coral to strengthen your muscles and spine, and to promote bone and tissue regeneration. When it comes to your feels, coral can enliven and enrich your experience of emotions

Types of Gem Stones

Precious gemstones - This group consists of the four "big" ones in the gemstone world including diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. These gemstones are have higher price tags and more complicated buying processes.

Semi-precious gemstones
-This group consists of all the other gemstones out there that are, for whatever reason, considered less desirable including peridot, tourmaline, onyx, opals, and more. These stones vary in rarity, quality, beauty, durability, and price.

Important Gem Stones

Precious Gemstones:


Semi Precious Gemstones:
